Friday, December 18, 2009

Beauty Revisited - Poem I wrote June '08

Driving through every familiar bend,
Is like coming home to an old friend.
The green gently kisses this dry parched earth,
On the hills that surround the place of my birth.
Pichi Richi whistles,
Sun brightens the day.
Welcoming and inviting, my inner child to play.
Space, vastness and freedom,
Beauty, peace and grace.
These are but a few of the wonders of this magical place.

Earth, wind, fire and water,
Eucalypt, cliff face and pine.
Ruggard landscape bathes me,
Campfire, coffee wine.

Childrens voices echo through the crescents of the gorge,
While night time slowly enters,
Bringing quiet mysteries 'til dawn.
Sweet beauty here to caress me,
Let my dreams regain flight.
Open heart to all that surrounds me,
Moon, stars, universe..... wild expansive night.
Friends, guitar, banjo pickin'
Laughter, love a life content.
A heart open, gratitiude,
No pain to voice or vent.

Earth, wind, fire and water,
Eucalypt, cliff face and pine.
Ruggard landscape bathes me,
Campfire, coffee and wine.

Warrens Gorge - Flinders Ranges SA

Earth Cry... Indigenous Spirit. A poem by Me!

“Indigenous spirit where have you gone,

Touched by white glove, you’ve lost your song.

Cultures in tune with mother earth wisdom,

White cloud rolls in and blankets your freedom.

Whispers hold true in defiant silence,

To one day speak loud of natures science.

To regain the balance and natural rhythm,

One breath one consciousness one connection within.

No longer to cry, to ache from what’s lost,

No longer to suffer from white glove’s high cost.

A New Earth once battered,

Rises up from white glove’s grasp.

Indigenous Spirit’s wisdom come teach us at last.”