Thursday, March 17, 2011


Firstly can we say a big ‘THANK YOU’ to Dr Andrew Katelaris and all other key individuals for your hard work and persistence regarding hemp foods in Australia.

Together our humble voices backed up with factual common sense will bring about the change that’s time has come.

As some of you may be aware an application to have hemp foods normalised is currently under examination with FSANZ (Food Standards Australia New Zealand)

It is important to understand that the previous application in 2002 passed the FSANZ examination but was rejected by a ministerial council directed by Howard and Abbott. The objection was that it “sent the wrong message” to the youth of Australia, evidently following input from elements in law enforcement.

Public comment will be called on the 15th March. Already, many people have registered themselves as interested parties and they will receive an invitation to make a submission. FSANZ can use points raised in the submissions as direct questions to the council, and so, make it explain any decisions it makes in a rational manner.

The best way for people to respond is by providing a submission to FSANZ once the assessment report is released for public comment.

Here we have included a link to some good information on their website about how to provide a submission to FSANZ, click here: Food

Your submission will provide ammunition which FSANZ can use to support the application, by requiring the ministerial council to consider the application on valid scientific grounds.

Below are some points you could include in your submission:-

* Australia is the only country in the world not to recognize hemp as a human food.

* New Zealand already allows hemp oil as a human food.

* After flax, hemp is the richest plant source of omega 3.

* Government reports indicate that 90% of Australian schoolchildren do not receive an ideal quantity of omega 3.

* Deficiency of omega 3 has been linked to poor mental development and behavioral problems.

* Marine sources of omega 3 are limited and reducing with pressures from overfishing. Contamination with PCB and mercury remain a problem.

* Hemp seed provides a uniquely nutritionally dense food combining an ideal ratio of omega 3/6, a balanced protein and a range of vitamins and minerals in high concentrations.

* Hemp is grown with minimal to no chemical inputs and is an ideal plant for organic cultivation.

* Hemp is the only food that can be grown with a negative carbon footprint. Grown on a large scale hemp seed could positively impact on world hunger.

* Hemp foods would introduce a whole new industry in Australia with a great potential to improve public health and promote employment.….and there are many more very good reasons!

Thank you for taking a few moments to make a submission and supporting the introduction of hemp foods. Sending a copy to the prime minister and the health ministers would also help reinforce the message.

The Hon Nicola Roxon MP

Prime Minister Gillard

Don't forget hemp hemp hooray! sells;
food grade Australian grown hemp seed oil and Hulled hemp seed

Be a part of a positive change in Australia that will not only be of benefit for us but also the environment (our environment).... it'll be something you will tell your grandchildren,
"I helped bring hemp foods to Australia"

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