Monday, January 16, 2012

Submission email to FSANZ in response to Application A1039 - Low THC Hemp as Food

As a Hemp Industry Advocate and Industrial Hemp Business Owner I would like to submit my support for the Application A1039 - Low THC Hemp as a food source here in Australia.
There is a plethora of information supporting the facts and health benefits of this organic food source with no risk to human health. It should be every consumers right to have legal access to health and nutrition via natural safe foods such as hemp with its high essential fatty acid profile, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Every other western country in the world has embraced and utilized this natural food source capitalizing on both its health and economic benefits.

I strongly disagree with the argument that allowing hemp foods would send mixed messages to our youth regarding the use of recreational drugs. Correct labeling of potential foods and education on the differences between industrial hemp and marijuana are simple things to put in place and we should not presume our consuming public has no ability to discern the difference. We should allow Low THC hemp seeds at non-psychoactive levels, the same way we allow poppy seeds containing trace amounts of naturally occurring opiates.

I am perplexed at the official stand of some ministers in politics in regards to this application and I hope that common sense will eventually prevail. We are not only missing out on a remarkable health food but also the economic benefits a hemp food industry can bring. Hemp food and oil for human consumption in Nth America is now over $300million in sales and increasing by 25% yearly. Australia would have 5% of that figure (due to population) say $15 million and that is just the beginning.

I strongly and unequivocally render my support for hemp foods in Australia.

Yours sincerely,

Teresa McDowell
Natural Bodycare

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